Before the Boats Revised

With only a few hours left in 2024's AAPIDH month I'm making the newest version of Before the Boats publically available. 

Before the Boats was a haphazard port of They Took Our War to the Wretched & Alone system for a jam a few years ago, and has been in desperate need of a revision that I regret did not happen sooner. The game went through a full revision pass from myself and editing from Charu Patel ( ). The mechanics are functional now, the majority of the prompts are the same but tighter, and a few prompts have been fully replaced for the better. 

If you take the time to review the new version of the text I sincerely hope it makes you feel something. . . good or bad. 

P.S. They Took Our War revised incoming soon. 


Before the Boats (1).pdf 9.1 MB
30 days ago
Before the Boats Plain Text (1).pdf 142 kB
30 days ago
Before the Boats Plain Text.txt 22 kB
30 days ago

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